Saturday, October 11, 2014


Hey, everyone. It’s been a long time since my last post, miss me? J Do you know that there’s an event at Lapangan Bali (Bali Street no.8) on 27th of September? If you don’t know, I will tell you. Okay, so there’s MATSWAPATI, culture festival by SMAN 3 Bandung (my school, yeay!) that held on 27th September 2014. In MATSWAPATI, SMAN 3 with contribution with some guest star etc. presenting JAWA BARAT CULTURE such as Wayang Golek, Angklung, Calung, Benjang, Reog, Jaipong, and many more. And some school’s ekstrakulikuler also performing in MATSWAPATI (KPA-angklung, KV-kelompok vocal, etc.) and they’re soooooo impressive.

Now I will tell you about the parade! We (10th grade student), some elementary school, and some junior high school student attended the parade, the parade start at lapangan Bali until we go back to Lapangan Bali again, and somehow my class (X-Science 3) Won the parade YEAAY! In parade, we wore um I don’t know maybe it can be called as headband(?) made by black carton written ‘MATSWAPATI’ and we also sing a song that we made so loud, I think that’s why my class win the parade. In parade, we take so much photos, it’s so fun.

Next I will tell you about the performances. I saw so many performances which is so impressive, cool, stunning, etc, I’m sooooooo excited!! But I don’t bring my phone everytime so I just take some pictures when KPA perform and when Glenn Fredly perform.

From all performance, my favorite is when Wayang Golek performing, they didn’t just perform old wayang like cepot, semar but the also create a story that featuring modern artist, and the story is so funny, it makes the audience laughed. I also liked when KV & Barsena performing, their vocal is so so so so so goodddddd. And finally the night come and…. Glenn Fredly performance time!! I was so sad because I can’t watch him so close, but I still happy because I can still saw him directly. But I can’t watch all his performance because I had to go home. L

And I want to say thank you for all who organize this event especially the committee, I’m so proud with my school.

I think it’s enough thanks to who ever read this post, I’m sorry because my English still badL See You Later! J.

Here's some MATSWAPATI photos

Performance by KPA
Performance by Glenn Fredly
Class Stand
X Science 3's Stand
Cepot in X-Science 3's Stand
Symbolic from BNI


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